Travel Motors Direct’s rebuild centre has the capability to rebuild all makes and models of excavator drives, each unit is stripped and assessed for rebuild quality and reassembled accordingly using only genuine parts.

Our service technicians standards and procedures are mirrored to that of the manufacturers, this ensures the quality is reinstated.

All hydraulic motor components are lapped on the Kemet 24 to ensure the manufacturers standards are equaled or bettered, upon final completion each unit is bench tested before being dispatched to the customer.



Travel Motors Direct can offer a solution for component remanufacturing. Our expertise is wide and varied and includes the lapping of Mechanical SealsAutomotive, Aviation and Marine Components and Flat Injection Moulding Inserts, to name a few.

The Kemet 24 flat lapping machine offers the most efficient and reliable method of producing  precise surfaces up to 240mm diameter. It is at the forefront of today’s advanced lapping technology often surpassing the manufacturer’s traditional grind finish quality.

Why do we need to lap?Travel Motors Direct Australia lapping

  • produce a fine surface finish
  • reduce case drain leakage
  • improve hydraulic motor efficiency
  • provide flat stress free sealing surfaces



Travel Motors Direct Australia Lap before


Travel Motors Direct Australia Lap after



Travel Motors Direct uses ultrasonic cleaning which is today’s most efficient style of parts cleaning. Ultrasonic cleaning effectively descales external surfaces whilst gently massaging away built up sediment, sludge and oil in those very important oil ways amongst precision spools and valves in today’s modern hydraulics systems.